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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Funny Chicago Blackhawks Tweets.

You know, every so often, we fans have to pull ourselves away from the scrutiny of wondering how many games it's going to be before the Hawks lose. Or the self induced stress we have wondering who is playing on what line, who hasn't scored in so many games, how well the PP is doing,...or whatever....blah, blah, blah.

Yawn...., and yes, quite stressful. So fans, let us put aside for a day our self deprecation and enjoy some good laughs. Sure, tomorrow.....or shortly thereafter, we can go back to our pessimistic ways and worry ourselves into what is known as a "Chicago heart-attack" (self induced heart attacks by worrying about our favorite Chicago sports franchise. Many Chicagoans feel this stress year long).

Here are some hilarious tweets I have read lately. I hope you find them as hilarious.

1)hockeydrunk Hockey Drunk™
2)prettystoned Saturday:)

3)mmaroasted MMA Roasted

4)proteautype Adam Proteau

5)alexquigley Alex Quigley
(Not funny,...but I liked the tweet. I didn't realize that.)

6)alexquigley Alex Quigley

(wow didn't know that!!!)

7) mattsebek Matt Sebek
 @Cubs Any thought to gutting this year's roster and staffing it solely with Blackhawks players?

8)feuxbettman I Should Be Fired

9)jasunlee Jasun

10)giuliaaa25 Giulia

11)heatherfligger Heather

12)bluenatics St. Bluenatics

and more tweets........just because they were fun to read.

bruce_arthur Bruce Arthur

proteautype Adam Proteau

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